Fellowship is an essential part of growing as a disciple of Christ, and it always has been. After the Lord brought some three thousand souls to saving faith in Jesus, Luke records in Acts 2 that "they devoted themselves to the apostles' teaching and the fellowship, to the breaking of bread and the prayers."
Our fellowship groups meet on different days of the week, but what they have in common is Christ and his Word. We trust you'll find something here for you!
Sunday School
Our Sunday School classes meet every Sunday morning at 9:45. Several of our senior ladies enjoy a time of fellowship and Bible study before corporate worship, if that's of interest.
We also have a Bible study group that's open to all ages. In this class, you can expect a variety of biblical topics. For instance, we recently spent nine weeks exploring the good news of Jesus Christ with the help of Greg Gilbert's book "What is the Gospel?" and then nine sessions looking at the different ways the New Testament describes the church.
On Wednesday nights we meet at 6:30 for a time of fellowship, prayer, and Bible study. The first half hour we devote to prayer, especially prayer for our church, and the last half hour we open God's Word. A time of discussion often follows as we think through what we've heard.
Every Friday morning at 10:00, a group of ladies meet via Zoom and open up the Bible together. Daniel and Revelation are just a few of the books of the Bible that they've studied. I think all of them would say that it's a time of encourgement and learning, and that they would love for you to join them.
Once a month, we also hold a men's discipleship class and a women's discipleship class. The purpose of this group is to get closer: closer to the Lord, closer to his Word, and closer to one other. These are usually smaller groups, but intimate and more personal. Usually these studies generate lots of discussion, and it's always time well spent.
Other Groups
We've recently begun a couples' night out. Our first meeting together was held at Jason's Deli, where we enjoyed a warm meal together while we discussed life and faith. We're looking forward to many more nights out.
Hope to see you soon, and bring your Bible!